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Easter Egg Hunt!

03-28-2015: Science Fair!

04-19-2014: Science Fair!

04-17-2014: Easter Egg Hunt!

03-28-2014: Open House!

03-21-2014: Gardening Activities!

12-20-2013: Christmas Party!

10-31-2013: Halloween Party!

05-17-2013: School Opening! Picture Tour of our School.

05-18-2013: First Open House!

The School had it's first Open House on 18th May 2013. It was a fun filled event visted by many prospective parents  who very much appreciated the spacious, clean classrooms.  While they learned about our school, their children enjoyed exploring the wide variety of Montessori educational material and had fun  on the Bounce House! 

Picture above: Directress Mrs. Y explaining Montessori Teaching Methodology and  our School 's Philosophy on  giving personalized attention on every child. 

Picture Below: Visiting children having fun on the bounce house.

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